Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Love Is...

Love is giving up something good for something better. Love is unconditional. Love is staying up all night just to listen to your voice. Love is selflessness. Love is getting up every morning at six o'clock to make sure your daughter gets breakfast. Love is real, when you can fall in love with someone without even seeing their face. Love is carrying your son across the finish line. Love is hearing your child say their first word, taking their first steps. Love is giving back to the people who got you where you are today. Love is seeing your brother recieve his one year sibrority chip, and the accomplished look on his face. Love is working long nights so your kids can enjoy the simple joys of life. Love is the look on her parents face when she walks down the aisle. Love is stronger in times of absence. Love is giving up your dreams so someone else can reach theirs. Love? Well, it's all we've got...

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